Posts in Teaching
How My Full-Time Job Changed 5:30

5:30 p.m. in college meant digging deeper into a paper, crossing another thing off of my to-do list, and counting down the days, hours, and minutes until I would get to go home again. While it disciplined me, it often made me miss my family. While it taught me how to persevere and finish strong, it revealed to me just how ready I was for the next step of life.

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This I Vow: Seeking My Teacher Truth in 2018

Thus, my word of the year is not some great, magnificent English vocabulary word that I want to study, write in my notebook, and post on my bathroom mirror for daily reminding, but instead it is a way of life -- a phrase that I want to remember, and carry in my heart as I encounter 2018 with messy first-year teacher meltdowns, lesson plans, comprehension questions, and early morning coffee on the way to work.

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