Posts tagged christian development
3 Ways I’m Planning for a Simplified School Year

The busy school year is approaching and here’s three ways I’m planning for a more simplified year.

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Dreaming Dreams & Breaking Borders: The Truth About Dreaming Big

Now, I see that my dream only has to break the borders of my own heart. I have come to understand that I can’t let the fear of “too small” or “too tiny” shelter my dreams in a box, but that in dreaming right where I am, I have the ability to see my world a little differently.

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Dear Younger Me: You Need To Know This About Anxiety

The Lord knew that I needed to start this race when I was a younger me so that I would one day be able to understand just how much I need Him because while I thought I needed Him then, nothing compares to growing older and realizing just how much of this life I cannot do alone.

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This I Vow: Seeking My Teacher Truth in 2018

Thus, my word of the year is not some great, magnificent English vocabulary word that I want to study, write in my notebook, and post on my bathroom mirror for daily reminding, but instead it is a way of life -- a phrase that I want to remember, and carry in my heart as I encounter 2018 with messy first-year teacher meltdowns, lesson plans, comprehension questions, and early morning coffee on the way to work.

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